I had my battery box sandblasted and then I painted it with etching primer and coated it with some reasonably durable spray paint. All this time I've been trying to figure out how to mount the batteries without bolting through the bottom of the battery box. There isn't much clearance under the box and seeing the deep scratches on the bottom I felt that if I high-centered on something I could do some damage to the box and possibly the batteries as I sheared off a bolt head or something. After talking to several people I finally settled on the idea of mounting the batteries to a 3/4" sheet of exterior plywood. I made sure to get at least 7 ply so that it would be reasonably stiff. The aluminum box bottom was bowed down about a 1/2" or more and I didn't want a flexible bottom for the batteries to sit on. I put 3/4" of rigid insulation board under the plywood.
Next I needed to figure out some way to bolt the batteries to the board. I didn't want anything conductive at the top of the batteries. Someone suggested wide nylon straps over the center of each string of batteries but I couldn't come up with a way to attach the straps and then a way of tightening them. I tried building a frame around each set with holes to bolt through to the plywood but then I didn't have enough room to fit all the batteries in. I finally ended up with a 3/4" strip of aluminum between each row of batteries and a 3/4" angle aluminum on the ends. the holes you see in the plywood are for some 1/4" x 20 cap head bolts. I installed some Tee nuts in the plywood for the bolts to go into. You can also see the 3/4" angle aluminum I used on each side of the board to hold it down. I put three bolts through each side of the box and through the angle aluminum to hold things in place.
Because of voltage limitations I could not fill the whole box with 40 cells. I decided to start with 18 buddy pairs which left a hole. Below is what I did to keep the ends of the hold down straps from slipping off the battery slot edge. I used some aluminum pipe for spacers.
Here is a picture between the batteries. They are tightly packed together and don't seem to move at all when I try to move them out of place. I'll be checking them regularly to make sure the hold down method is working. If it doesn't work, I can use some threaded rod and get some non-conductive rigid material to hold the batteries from the top edge.
Battery straps installed. Notice the orange 1 gauge cable to the front set of 8 cells. I turned around the front set so that the positive end of the pack wasn't against the front edge of the box. The front set of cells is not easily accessible through the battery access hole in the tub of the Gizmo. Since I had to use a cable any way it was an easy thing to do. If you look closely at some of the bolts you will see a little hole in them. This is a tapped hole which the BMS modules will attach with.
The Black Sheep Technology BMS modules are installed and I'm giving the pack the first charge as a pack. Earlier I charged all the cells up to 4.00V with a bench top power supply and then put a load on them until the first BMS module gave a low voltage trip. I then disconnected the batteries and measured their voltages to 3 decimal places and ranked them based on voltage. I paired the highest voltage with the lowest, then the next highest with the next lowest and so on until I had my 18 buddy pairs. I'll check them again in a year or so. While this isn't the best way to measure capacity it is what I had. I used several 500W shop lights and a bank of ceramic base light bases as my load. 100Ah is a lot of energy to dissipate! It took quite a while.
Coming up...
- Performance comparison
- weight change
- efficiency differences